The Best Offbeat Museums to Visit in All 50 States (And Washington, D.C.)

Mental Floss
Don’t get us wrong: We love museums devoted to art, history, and science as much as the next person (and maybe more than the next person). But sometimes, our curiosity demands quirkier territory. Here are our favorite institutions devoted to the stranger things in life.
Location: Austin, Minnesota
Even if you think it’s best not to ask too many questions about canned meat, the SPAM Museum is too fantastic not to visit if you’re ever near Austin, Minnesota, the birthplace of Hormel (the makers of SPAM and other meat products). Walk through vibrant displays that chronicle the history of SPAM and its perhaps surprising impact on the world since it landed in casserole dishes and military supply packs in the late 1930s. Find out how many SPAM cans tall you are, learn how to package SPAM like a factory professional, and sample some salty SPAM yourself—served on pretzel sticks to eliminate waste.