Meet our Inspired Interns

Jamie Boggs, marketing intern, Corporate Office (Austin, Minnesota)
Jamie had an opportunity to experience the preparation of social media content for Skippy® peanut butter in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Because Jamie works on a project to increase engagement on social media platforms, seeing what happens behind the scenes is invaluable.
“It was great to see how the social media posts are created and how much time, effort and talent are needed to get the perfect shot!”
Fittingly, her favorite Hormel Foods product is Skippy® peanut butter.
Alayna Johnson, plant engineering intern, Dold Foods (Wichita, Kansas)
Alayna spent her first week getting familiar with her team and her section’s contributions to Hormel Foods. She learned about procedures, customs and the people she works with. Alayna says her work thus far has allowed her to gain a better appreciation for Dold Foods and Hormel Foods in general.
“While most of my projects this week have revolved around growing my understanding of the HPS, plant safety practices and my team, I greatly enjoyed learning about the processes in place to create delicious and safe bacon.”
Alayna’s favorite product is Hormel® Black Label® bacon.
Sherman Cravens, product development intern at the Jennie-O Corporate Office (Willmar, Minnesota)
Sherman has spent his first few days learning about shelf-life testing and has already had the opportunity to attend shelf-life cuttings.
“This week, I learned the importance of the lot numbers on product packages and how they correlate to the production site of origin. These lot numbers are important for research and development, as they assist in tracking the source of the product, thus allowing us to contact those facilities if required.”
Right now, Sherman’s favorite Hormel Foods product is Columbus® Genoa dry salami.
Hannah Hoag, Foodservice sales intern at the Denver (Colorado) Sales Office
Hannah has been learning how to ask the right questions when making cold calls and the importance of intentional curiosity. This week, she participated in Selling Edge Training.
“The Selling Edge Training guided me to build a stronger foundation that will ensure success when calling on my target list and in my future career!”
Hannah also helped close a sale with Walters Pizza, generating savings that will allow room for more opportunity in other lines of Hormel Foods products.
As for her favorite Hormel Foods product, Hannah likes our brisket.
Ann De Leon, plant/maintenance engineer at the Austin (Minnesota) Plant
Ann learned the importance of one of the principles of Hormel Foods — doing things right the first time.
“It’s amazing to see how much care and detail go into planning projects such as roof replacement. Even the way the flooring of the roof is sloped and what areas are located right below it are considered to ensure complications such as the insulation going bad are avoided.”
Her favorite project from this week has been doing construction inspections and checking in with the contractors on their progress.
Ann’s favorite Hormel Foods product is SPAM® tocino because of the delicious combination of sweet and salty.
David Dawa, Retail sales intern at the Corporate Office (Austin, Minnesota)
David as learned an important skill this week — how to make good SPAM® fried rice!
David’s favorite part of his week was attending his first cutting with some fellow interns.
Can you guess his favorite product?
“My favorite Hormel Foods product would be the SPAM® slicer to chop up the SPAM® product into bite-sized pieces.”