A Tale of Two Spams

Business Insider
It’s beloved. But in the continental U.S., the canned pork product is often the punchline of jokes. Why does Spam have such different meanings in different places? The answer involves World War II, Monty Python, and a troupe of singing saleswomen…
CH: When it comes to this kind of spam, the one with 180 calories per serving, you’ll find people who will tell you…
TAMIKO HAYASHIDA: You’re gonna love it.
CAROLYN WYMAN: Spam, baked bean and pineapple casserole…to me is like the perfect blending of textures and tastes.
CH: Yes, they think Spam is great.
What’s in that can of Spam? It’s comfort food. It’s a punchline. And it actually does have a connection to those unwanted calls and emails.
You may think… you know all you need-to-know about Spam, but do you?
From Business Insider, this is Brought to you by… Brands you know, stories you don’t. I’m Charlie Herman.