Hundreds of Pizzerias Are Getting Vegan Pepperoni From SPAM® Brand Hormel

Veg News
Vegan pepperoni made by Happy Little Plants® —a brand owned by SPAM® -maker Hormel—is hitting hundreds of pizzerias across the country. Hormel worked closely with foodservice operators to develop the soy-based vegan pepperoni, which is made with the same spice blend as Hormel’s traditional pepperoni but without animal meat.
“Chefs and restaurateurs are very aware of today’s dynamic food landscape and consumers’ desire to add more plant-based foods to their diets,” Anthony Panichelli, Foodservice Brand Manager at Hormel Foods, said. “The Happy Little Plants® brand pepperoni-style topping gives owners and operators the opportunity to take advantage of the trending demand and add a totally unique topping to their pizza menu.”