The Top 6 Companies That Are Helping Us Save the Bees

Better Homes & Gardens
The bee population is in crisis right now, and it’s up to us to restore their natural habitat and encourage them to reenter our green spaces. Without bees, we wouldn’t have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, or get to pick up huge, dinner-plate-sized dahlias at the farmers market. We need their pollinating power.
Although there’s a lot of work to do, there are a handful of companies that have started efforts to save the bees, whether that’s selling items that use bee-products or using percentages of profits to donate to bee-saving causes…
Famous for their nut butters, Justin’s relies on bees to pollinate nut plants and develop quality harvest. That’s why they partnered with Xerces Society, People & Pollinators Action Network, and Growing Gardens to support sustainable agriculture, spread awareness, and educate others about pollinator conservation. Based in Boulder, Colorado, Justin’s efforts with these organizations helps to promote pollinators in their local area and provides scholarships and classroom visit for more than 800 children.