A Story Inspired By Our Fans

Austin, Minn.
T’was the end of December, when all through Hormel Foods
not a person was stirring, but that would change soon.
Reindeer horns were perched in their hair,
and the holiday spirit hung in the air.
Decorations adorned their desks,
while suspense for the day grew in their heads.
They all gathered round to plan for the day;
little did they know what was coming their way
When the phones started to ring their smiles grew wider,
it was time to give back to those who inspire!
Looking to brighten someone’s day,
for fans who called we had gifts to give away.
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
but a man in Santa’s hat and full of good cheer
With his towering height he was a sight to see,
we knew in a moment it was our CEO Jim Snee!
He took to the phones as soon as he came;
in gratitude he thanked our fans by name!
For peanut butter, for party trays, for ham they called
More stew! More salsa! More snacks for all!
Into the box – onto the cart
now ship away, ship away, time to depart
We heard them exclaim before they left for the night,
“Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good-night!”